I am only posting this to warn other people, because when I was trying to find information on this guy I couldn’t find anything on him. Thanks.
I recently tried to buy an account from the facebook group Rise Of Kingdoms profesional Buy & Sell / ROK at this link https://www.facebook.com/groups/1riseofkingdoms. The admin’s name is James Dawson aka James Davis or facebook link https://www.facebook.com/james.davis189 This is a fake account.
He also runs a discord server Rise of Kingdoms professional Buy & Sell and goes by the same name on there James Dawson username .jamesdawson
Truthfully my gut instincts told me that something was off with the entire transaction and I proceeded any way so that’s on me. I originally wanted an account on there for $1200 but as I had not dealt with the middleman before, I decided that I would only risk $300 and purchase a much lesser account, to test and see if he was trustworthy.
His Facebook group has almost 20,000 members and he is the admin, and his discord group had over 300 people online. This is ultimately what got me in the end.
I did a google search and was unable to find any information regarding a scam from this person or facebook group. My partner later found a facebook page named “James Dawson is scam Rise of kingdoms accounts scam”
Anyhow, I sent James $330 which was $300 + MM Fee and he was supposed to secure the account pass to me so I could confirm the account and then once all good he releases payment to the seller.

“The process” which was followed by a bunch of screenshots showing successful transactions
After I sent payment he went offline and I didn’t hear from him for 10 hours. When he finally replied he said that he couldn’t pass the payment on to the seller because the payment had been limited and asked if I could send him another payment for $330 and he would refund me the original $330 once PayPal had unlocked it.

Because it was sent via PayPal as friends and family the only way to get your money back is to file an unauthorised payment dispute. Besides that, you would need to call your bank and file a chargeback with them. PayPal refunds the bank and then goes after the seller.
In this instance it’s lucky it was only $300 it could have been much worse. As far as scams go it is setup better than most. The Facebook page with 20,000 members the discord with over 300 people online is all setup to make you feel more comfortable.
The lesson here is the old adage “If it’s too good to be true, it usually is” the account was too cheap for what it was. He also negotiated with me on price before checking with the seller that was what originally raised my suspicions.
The Images he uses to convince you that he is legit